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Monday, August 24, 2020
buy custom The Central Processing Unit essay
purchase custom The Central Processing Unit exposition To start with PCs were large machines, manufacturing plant built or truck conveyed, which utilized drum recollections to stack programs. These were excessively lumbering and subsequently called for little versatile processors. The Central Processing Unit, C.P.U., is the primary segment of a PC; it goes about as the mind of PCs. This is what was acquainted with take care of the issue of the enormous unwieldy machines. The core of any cutting edge PC is the microchip, which is a chip comprising of several thousands transistors and different components organized into remarkable useful working units. It passes on directions given to the PC through the console or the mouse, to their expected goals. This article will fundamentally look at the historical backdrop of C.P.U. from origin to the plans that will come later on. Intel 4004 was the principal PC microchip that appeared in 1970, intended for an adding machine organization, Busicom by Intel. This microchip took care of information in lumps of four bits which, after some time was insufficient. This required the requirement for additional bits in the chip, and in 1972, Intel concocted another microchip that had an alternate engineering the 8008. This was essentially a 4004 that had quite recently been scaled up and had eight bits. The location space of this microchip was restricted to only 16 kilobytes, RAM that individuals of the time couldn't manage. Intel presented two years after the fact, another 8080 microchip with a greater memory limit than 8008. This one had a memory space of 64 kilobytes and a ten times expanded pace of execution. Inside a similar period, Motorola presented the 6800 chip that had comparable exhibition as the Intel 8080. Genuine microcomputers utilized 8080 as their center; this prompted the creation of Intel 8088 that wa s then utilized in the IBM PC, while the 6800 that was presented byMotorola was utilized in the PCs Apple 11(Drinkypoo, 2002). The 1970s saw expanded utilization of the Intel 8080 until 1979, when Intel propelled another processor, 8088 and the main PC utilized this. This 16 piece chip changed the period of PCs; it turned into a device for standard business. The Intel 8086 had a favorable position over the others in that it had up to 1 megabyte memory space requiring bigger records to be perused from the plate and simultaneously being held in RAM for snappier access and control. In any case, as memory space continued growing and the speed of microchip centers propped up, memory staying aware of all these turned into a difficult that should have been tended to. Since recollections that are huge and low fueled don't go as quick as the RAM chips that are little however more powerful, PC engineers turned to embeddings quick and littler recollections between the enormous RAM and the Microprocessor with the goal that the quickest CPUs could run at max throttle. The littler memory is what is alluded to as the reser ve RAM which permits the microchip to execute guidelines at max throttle (Davis, 2005). The computerized age, which is the 1980s, is when numerous things throughout the entire existence of PCs occurred. Practically all the chips that are utilized presently were brought forth here. Discussion of the most disabled chip that Intel has ever constructed, the 286, the initial 32 piece processor 68020 that was progressed from the 68000, the ARM CPUs and those that carried PCs into the period of 32 piece that is the 386 and 486 and numerous others. This decade additionally observed the principal clones of the Intel CPUs that were presented during the 1970s. Numerous different processors were made in this decade with the end goal that some of them didn't make it to the market (Drinkypoo, 2002). The nineties was the period that home PCs began being well known. The MIPS R4000 startedd being utilized in workstations particularly in the film business really taking shape of motion pictures. This is additionally the time that saw IBM and Motorola meet up and with help from Apple began take a shot at and subsequently thought of their new PowerPC design. This finished in Intel concocting successes like; the Pentium which was trailed by the Pentium MMX, Pentium 2 and Pentium 3. This period saw AMD come in with various RISC CPUs that could decipher x86 guidelines; these were the K5, K6, and Athlon which got AMD doing combating with Intel all on account of CPU matchless quality. A portion of the machines delivered during this time were; RS600 (IBM) POWER presented in 1990 after PowerPC CPU, and was the first superscalar processor that was capable of completing various guidelines at prior; 486SX(Intel) that was created in 1991. This was a 486 processor having no installed FPU that was presented as a spending processor with minimal effort; the K6-3(AMD) this was the last modification in the line of K6, it improved the sight and sound capacities speed and made accessible new clock rates. This is simply to give some examples of them (Drinkypoo, 2002). The race for progressively proficient C.P.Us proceeded into the 21st century where we have see AMD and Intel legitimately and firmly contending. The two of them have 64 piece structures that have guidance sets dependent on x86. Everybody appears to have gone for the 64 piece these days, and if not, they are anticipating it implying that this will before long become the quad age. A portion of the C.P.U.s presented during this time incorporate; Pentium 4(Intel) which is less proficient than P3, yet genuinely much clock rates with transport speeds expanding similar to 533MHZ to contend with AMDs Athlons; V-Dragon (China, IBM) this was a RISC with 32 piece planned by the Chinese with assistance from IBM, this timed around 200-260MHZ, and a lot more others that were delivered by various organizations (Krazit, 2006). Purchase custom The Central Processing Unit article
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Typhoons Case Essay Example for Free
Hurricanes Case Essay Being brought up in a nation where hurricanes are visit has helped me a great deal. It made me the sort of individual who is consistently wary and exceptionally watchful. Storms strike our nation essentially consistently and it could keep going for quite a long time. On the initial hardly any indications of a tropical storm coming, my senses become to ensure my family, every one of our possessions, and myself. Also, that accomplishment isn't simple when you encounter a somewhat cataclysmic catastrophic event. Storms have additionally made me a speedy mastermind. Tropical storms would expect you to think spontaneously as lives can either be spared or lost. All that you have worked for can be gone in a moment. Sparing others in the midst of hurricanes is basic. There has been an occurrence that the tropical storm turned out to be so solid and it overwhelmed our neighbor’s rooftop. I was confronted with a situation wherein I can help them by requesting that they come into my home and remain there until after the tempest dies down, yet I can imperil myself in that procedure. Or on the other hand I can simply secure myself and hang tight for them go to my entryway. This basic case has understood that hurricanes could draw out the best and the most exceedingly awful in an individual. What's more, I went out and made a difference. Hurricanes are a characteristic disaster. In the event that you take a gander at it on one side, it is only a burden to our lives and our vocation. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you take a gander at it harder, it is a type of a test a trial of will and quality. Just an individual who has come so close to an actual existence breaking occasion can see life in an unexpected way. He won't be reckless or flighty. Hurricanes are solid powers. No man can make it or will it to leave. The main weapon you have against it is your solid will and assurance that after it has cruised by, the sun will without a doubt sparkle again.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Evaluating Essay Topics
Evaluating Essay TopicsDefining the evaluation essay topics is a vital first step to an effective evaluation process. The topics you choose for your essay are incredibly important because they help establish the subject and the basis of your argument. They also help to give your evaluative writing a higher standard.But what are evaluation essay topics, exactly? What makes a topic suitable for evaluation?The topic of your evaluation essay is the foundation for any argument that you make in the essay. It's where your main argument is defined, and what makes your essay worth reading. It may be the greatest value of your article, or your highest quality of argument, but you cannot convince anyone of the actual worth of your article unless you include a well-written evaluation topic in it. Evaluative writing can be persuasive, but only if the information you provide is objective and is backed up by references.The best evaluative essay topics should take a qualitative approach to evaluatin g the subject matter at hand. They should tell the reader something about the author. They should allow the reader to relate to your point of view. It's the assessment of the qualities and capabilities of the subject that help the reader decide if the product or the service they're evaluating is indeed worth it.The objective factor of the evaluation means that the conclusion is based on research and/or tests. An evaluation doesn't have to be written in an academic style, but must be a clear and direct statement of why the reader should consider the subject or service to be of high quality. You shouldn't just cite someone else's work and assume that people will understand your reasoning. It takes a lot of research to know whether your own statements and reasoning are correct.You shouldn'tfeel the need to justify your evaluation essay topics by providing a statement that it is based solely on your own opinion. Your opinion is very important and useful, but you don't have to make your own work the sole basis of your evaluation essay. You have to demonstrate that the work you've evaluated is worthwhile enough for you to justify the information you have chosen to provide in the evaluation.You may be able to formulate your own conclusions, but it is still important that you follow a methodology and base your opinions on facts. A fact that will be researched and not just picked up from a random report somewhere. When you are provided with an honest answer, and the conclusion seems logical, that's a strong indication that you should continue to take this situation as an evaluation essay topic.Every company, product, or service needs to have a good topic for their evaluation. And no matter how compelling you find it, it's still a good idea to check with your audience or potential customers about your findings. Give them an honest appraisal, but don't forget that it will be a reflection of your own points of view. Make sure that your evaluation essay topics are based on facts, and are not based on your own thoughts.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Literature Review Core Elements - 1389 Words
Literature Review Core elements Life is difficult for anyone. Some times individuals feel lost or upset and they use substances. When an individual is dependent on substances it is difficult for any individual to deal with these emotions. In the DSM-V alcohol-related disorders include alcohol use disorder, alcohol intoxication and alcohol withdrawal. To be classified as an individual with alcohol disorder one needs to drink alcohol in large amounts or for a longer period than intended. There is a persistent desire to drink and one can’t control alcohol use. These individuals miss out on important social, occupational, or recreational activities. The alcohol is used to the point that it becomes physically hazardous to one’s self or others. Alcohol disorder is defined by a group of behavioral and physical symptoms, which can lead to withdrawal, tolerance and craving alcohol (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Impact When an individual has a drinking problem it causes difficulties in a lot of aspects of one’s life. One impact is their health. Individuals that drink excessively can have kidney or liver failure, stomach ulcers, reduced brain activity and reduced ability to do certain activities. Some examples include impairment during driving, their line of work, and operating heavy machinery. Repeated consumption of alcohol can affect every organ system in a person’s body. Alcohol can become costly. Even though a cheep bottle of wine can be twelveShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Polarization Sensitivity Of Hcg818 Words  | 4 Pagesto be explored . Polarization sensitivity of HCG:-As polarization selectivity is important in many applications like VCSELs. It has been shown through the literature that most of the research is done on the 1 dimensional HCGs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Legacy of the Middle Ages in the West Free Essays
Palm Beach Atlantic University Legacy of the Middle Ages in the west An Essay Submitted to Dr. Gary Poe Humanities II by Blake Nichol March 17, 2010 Legacy of the Middle Ages in the West Dear Friend, I read your argument recently about the Middle Ages and how you have the belief that it was a time of no cultural expression. Well, I’m writing to try to persuade you to think otherwise. We will write a custom essay sample on Legacy of the Middle Ages in the West or any similar topic only for you Order Now After an extensive, semester long study on the Middle Ages and the events that took place, leaving a great mark in history, I would like to inform you of my studies. Through the research I have done I have found at least four major contributions to what is known as the legacy of the Middle Ages in the West. The first thing that I will point out to you is the technological advances during this time period, the second is the founding of the different major universities, the third is the great technique in various architectural structures, and the fourth and final contribution I will explain to you will be the advancement of science and medicine. Hopefully, after reading this, if you’re not too bored, you will understand why the Middle Ages did not lack cultural expression, but instead, had a very great influence on the West. So, let’s get right down to business, shall we? The first thing I’d like to point out that was developed was the printing press. It was developed in the late middle ages by a German craftsman named Johannes Gutenberg. Now, where would we be without this invention? The printing press is a major invention and still in use today. Obviously, the ones we use today have been perfected to be more efficient and less expensive to produce maximum output but even so, it’s the same basic concept that started way back in the Middle Ages. Another set of technological advancements that came about during the Middle Ages were the different types of war methods that were developed. They developed the catapult, the metal crossbow, and most of all, gunpowder. The catapult is a great idea and I believe this is a concept that started to be perfected and continued being perfected until today and now it has turned into us launching missiles from an entire country away. Due to the invention of the catapult, we no longer even have to go with hand to hand combat anymore in modern warfare. Almost all of it can be done from a computer screen. Even the crossbow is still in use today. Not necessarily in warfare but I know hunters still use crossbows. The main thing developed to advance warfare was gunpowder. Can you imagine where we would be today without the development of gunpowder? I think that one is self explanatory. During this time period, we also have the development of about three major universities. These were three of the first Western schools for higher education since about the sixth century! The first is the University of Bologna, and no, it’s not a university for making sandwiches. It was actually the first place to study law and the first place to teach anatomy. The second university is the University of Oxford. The University of Oxford, if I remember correctly, was founded in 1170 in England and taught philosophy and theology. The third, and probably most important of the three universities, is the University of Paris. The University of Paris offered a variety of degrees including civil and canon law, medicine, theology, and liberal arts, which was basically devoting to translating Aristotle. Other universities had a similar curriculum set up, but for some reason their professors lacked the renown internationally like the University of Paris professors had. A famous person that you might have heard of actually taught there. A guy by the name of Thomas Aquinas taught there off and on for about ten years. He was a Dominican friar. About six hundred years after his death, his thought was declared to be the basis of the Roman Catholic beliefs. So basically, through all of these universities developing and professors being heard, this is how we get the basis for one of the most wide spread, if not the most wide spread, religion in the world. I think that right there should be something enough to convince you, but if you still have doubts, let me give you a little more of what went on during the Middle Ages. The next thing that I’m going to tell you about is probably one of the most astounding things of all. It is the architectural developments during this time period. I mean, to be developed a thousand years ago, without the use of fancy machinery and computers, and still be standing today†¦that’s pretty impressive. Not only are they still standing, but they are also the most beautiful architectural structures in the world. People from all over the world still go to see them, so you can’t say that they don’t have an effect on modern day society. In these structures you will find that they use a lot of different techniques. They used huge stained glass windows, tall ceilings, and extremely fancy artistry. There were also different styles, such as Romanesque and Gothic styles. Inside these different styles of architectural structures were developments that are still heard of today. For example, in most churches today we still have a narthex. It is basically just the lobby area before you walk into the church. We also have a unique feature used in Gothic architecture that is still around today. Gargoyles were used in Gothic style architecture and even today you see a variety of different gargoyles. If they’re not on the top of a gated entrance to a fancy house or community, you might find a smaller version on your book shelf holding your books up. No matter what you find, the simple point that I’m trying to get across is that they are still in use today. The final thing I want to point out during this letter is the advancement of science and medicine during this time period. Thomas Acquinas, who was one of the greatest thinkers to ever live did a lot of studying of nature and the things of the earth. To him, everything was of God in nature, which is correct according to Biblical principles because God created everything and He is everything. As far as medicine goes, we see that people that were going to school to be doctors were now starting to dissect human bodies in order to identify certain disorders and diseases in order to effectively treat them. They were also beginning to build hospitals, which were the first places women could effectively work as nurses since they weren’t allowed into medical school. These are just some of the few things to do with the science and medicine industry to be done during the Middle Ages. I know I may not be the best writer and may not have gotten all my points across clearly, but I’m hoping that now you will be able to see that the Middle Ages was not just a time where no progress was made. In fact, the Middle Ages brought about so many different ways of looking at things from architecture to different diseases to advancements in warfare. All of these things have only furthered our progress in developing some of the most advanced technologies and inventions that the world has ever seen. Thank you for reading this and I hope I have changed your perspective of the Middle Ages. BIBLIOGRAPHY Matthews, Roy T. 2008. The Western Humanities. New York, NY. : McGraw-Hill. Pp. 261-291 BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES How to cite Legacy of the Middle Ages in the West, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Volkswagen Smart Objectives free essay sample
The product range extends from low-consumption small cars to luxury class vehicles. In the commercial vehicle sector, the product offering spans pick ups, busses and heavy trucks. It is the goal of the Group to offer attractive, safe and environmentally sound vehicles which are competitive on an increasingly tough market and which set world standards in their respective classes. The Group consists of eight brands: Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, SEAT, Skoda and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. http://www. volkswagen. e/vwcms/master_public/virtualmaster/ en2/unternehmen/konzern. html Our missionVW Autoeuropa strives for excellence in he manufacture of high quality cars in Portugal, and is perfectly aware of the fact that success, in an ever increasingly competitive market, depends on this philosophy. What we demand from ourselves, reflects this challenge: integrity, respect for people and their abilities, excellent teamwork, responsibility and autonomy, leadership skil ls, excellent professional qualifications, and the commitment to attain a common goal. We will write a custom essay sample on Volkswagen Smart Objectives or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I I Atall levels and in all areas, we are organised in work groups, in which everyones ideas are contribute to the continuous search tor the best solutions tor he proposed objectives. I We firmly believe in personal and professional development. Therefore, we conceived the Personal Development and Career Plan, that allows us to identify and implement concrete measures suited to the development of each individual. This approach has led, for example, to a considerable investment in professional training. I Your future in constant training! In order to meet the needs of an industry under constant evolution, Autoeuropa has a basic philosophy of continuous training. In our Training Centre we provide our employees with the know-how they need to develop their skills. Our constant development of an always increasing specialised labour force is aimed at obtaining a product that is Best in Class. The employees of W Autoeuropa breathe life into our vision and mission. While working with us, you will be in touch with a motivated and extremely competitive team, which will share its know how and experience with you. In exchange, you will see your efforts valued. I I While relating to and working with your new colleagues, you will discover what it means to be part of a Successful Team. If you are interested in a career at Autoeuropa, you should have a strong nterest in the automobile industry, in new technologies and be willing to develop and continuously improve your knowledge and skills. We hire people with varied academic and professional backgrounds, which allows us to obtain the diversity required to develop creative solutions for our customers. Although a good academic curriculum and solid technical know-how/ skills continue to be the pre-requisites for any position, we also prefer some experience, obtained at a previous employer or during an internship. Besides this, we also look for people with the will to learn and luency in English and/or German. our VisionAutoeuropa the most attractive Volkswagen plant in Europe. We produce our cars with highest quality and productivity based on flexible infrastructures and skilled human resources. http:// www. autoeuropa. t/articles/en/our-vision History It took four years since the signing of the shareholder agreement between and FORD in July 1991 until the start of production. During these 4 years one of Europes most modern automotive production facilities was built in Palmela, with a total area of around 2 million sqm, ncluding the Industrial Park where some of the main suppliers have settled. Construction works on the Palmela factory ran on schedule and all the european standards regarding safety and environmental protection were met. The plant is divided into four main production areas: Pressshop, Bodyshop, Paintshop, and Final Assembly. I I The plant and equipment were designed using advanced technology and incorporating the latest developments in automation and computerised production control, in order to meet the high standards required on manufacturing a quality product. I In order to establish the plants layout, concepts, methods and procedures, several teams of specialists studied some of the more productive industrial complexes in the world. The best features which were found have been used at Autoeuropa, making this complex one of the more competitive, at any level, both in Europe and the World. I Since its inauguration, Autoeuropa has been the target of several investment agreements between Volkswagen and the Portuguese state, namely in the end of 2003 and most recently, in November of 2007, anticipating the arrival of new models to the plant. Those investments aimed the setlement ot new production intrastructures, equipment modernization and the training of the employees in order to turn the production lines and methods each time more efficient and increase the competences of its employees. Autoeuropas philosophy of continuous improvement has been placing it as one of the companies of the Volkswagen group in the leading edge in several productivity indicators. Goals of Volkswagenvolkswagen sets aggressive sales goalsVolkswagen, buoyed by strong sales, a growing portfolio of products, a ammoth new factory in Tennessee and a loyal fan base, set a goal to sell 800,000 vehicles in the United States by 2018 a target that some analysts think may be unrealistic. Though Volkswagens have been selling better than many brands, fgures show that the German automaker has a way to go to reach its sale goal. Volkswagen of America sold 213,454 units in 2009, a decrease of 4. 3 percent from 223,128 units sold in 2008. 0ne factor in Volkswagens favor is that sales for some of its models have been on the rise. Sales of the Jetta, the companys bread-and-butter model line, for nstance, Jumped 26. 9 percent in December, and GTI sales were up 75. 9 percent. And December was Volkswagens sixth consecutive sales month in which it beat 2008 totals. Volkswagen has ramped up its advertising recently as well, with new TV commercials featuring an update on the classic Punch Buggy game that debuted during the Super Bowl. Still, analysts point out that it may be difficult for Volkswagen to reach its sales goal as it faces strong competition from brands such as Hyundai, Kia, Ford and General Motors. The idea that the market is somehow going to make oom for all of this Volkswagen expansion is an aggressive assumption, I think, said Rebecca A. Lindland, director of industry research for The Americas-Automotive Group with IHS Global Insight. ln our forecast, we have the Volkswagen brand at 450,000 by 2018, she said. lt also could be difficult to reach sales goals as the number of consumers actually looking to buy cars has remained relatively stagnant from year to year, reaching about 13 million to 16 million customers in a good year. After such a deep recession, it could be a long time before the industry sees numbers like that gain, said Jack Nerad, editorial director of Kelley Blue Book. Youre not in a growing market, like China or Russia, where sales growth raises all boats, he said. Most analysts think that we will never see in this decade sales numbers like we did in the last decade. Analysts also are fearful that the same aggressive pursuit of growth and sales numbers that got Toyota into trouble with recalls and a suddenly sagging reputation for quality could trip up Volkswagen if it insists on pursuing such aggressi ve growth. They need to be cautious. What Volkswagen needs to do first and oremost is to address their quality and reliability issues, said Ms. Lindland. We still hear some of the same things in terms of inconsistency in quality control, she said. Still, in a speech to the National Automobile Dealers Association Convention on Feb. 13, Stefan Jacoby, Volkswagens CEO, pointed to heavy investment and a growing product portfolio as reasons why he thought the sales target was reasonable. At a time when others are retrenching, were investing $4 billion on our future in this country. Thats how confident we are in our company. Thats how confident we are in he American economy. The U. S. economy is rebounding. And Volkswagen is ready, Mr. Jacoby said. He also noted that Volkswagen dealers had spent more than $800 million in building more dealerships over the past five years alone. He said the companys new Chattanooga, Tenn. , tactory, expected to employ and to begin production in 2011, was a key part of the growth plan. Analysts say it should help because the pricing of its cars usually is somewhat higher than competitors autos, and that a plant in this country should help level the playing field. Volkswagens odels dont necessarily match up to the competition in the way that Japanese cars match up vs. one another, Mr. Nerad said. Volkswagen, vehicles that are the same size are higher priced and have a different level of features. That makes it hard for people to do comparison shopping and hard for Volkswagen to get on shopping lists. Mr. Jacoby said the brands improving quality ratings should help sell more cars. Eight of products are recommended by Consume r Reports, and the 2009 JD Power and Associates Initial Quality Survey results for Volkswagen improved by 16 points, he said.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
SAT Latin Subject Test Information
SAT Latin Subject Test Information Lingua Latina optimum in universo, et utinam possem student singula die. If you know what this Latin phrase means, then perhaps you better showcase that Latin talent and sign up for the SAT Latin Subject Test before you apply to the school of your choice. Want to know more? See below. Note: This test is not part of the SAT Reasoning Test, the popular college admissions exam. Nope. This is one of the many SAT Subject Tests, exams designed to showcase your particular talents in all sorts of fields.​ SAT Latin Subject Tests Basics Before you register for this test, (which only pops up twice a year) here are the basics about your testing conditions: 60 minutes70 - 75 multiple-choice questions200-800 points possibleMacrons appear on the testVariations of Latin words appear in parentheses on the test. For example: iudicium (judicium).Questions following a poetry passage will always include one question requiring you to scan the first four feet of a line of dactylic hexameter verse or determine the number of elisions in a line (just to keep it interesting). SAT Latin Subject Test Skills So, whats on this thing? What kinds of skills are required? Here are the skills youll need in order to master this test.: Choose appropriate grammatical forms of Latin wordsChoose Latin words from which English words are derivedTranslate from Latin to EnglishComplete Latin sentencesChoose alternative ways of expressing the same thought in LatinAnswer a variety of questions based on short passages of prose or poetry SAT Latin Subject Test Question Breakdown As you can see, the majority of the test is based on those reading comprehension questions, but other Latin knowledge is tested, too: Grammar and Syntax: Approximately 21 - 23 questions Derivatives: Approximately 4 - 5 questions Reading Comprehension: Approximately 46 – 49 questions These questions include three to five reading passages and one or two poetry passages. Why Take the SAT Latin Subject Test? Since many people believe Latin to be a dead language – no one really speaks it in everyday life – why should you showcase your knowledge of it? In some cases, youll need to, especially if youre considering choosing Latin as a major in college. In other cases, its a great idea to take the Latin Subject Test so you can showcase a different skill other than sports or drama club. It shows the college admissions officers that you have more up your sleeve than your GPA. Taking the test, and scoring high on it, demonstrates qualities of a well-rounded applicant. Plus, it can get you out of those entry-level language courses. How to Prepare for the SAT Latin Subject Test To ace this thing, youll need at least two years in Latin during high school, and youll want to take the test as close to the end of or during your most advanced Latin class you plan to take. Getting your high school Latin teacher to offer you some supplementary materials is always a good idea, too. In addition, you should practice with legitimate practice questions like youll see on the test. The College Board offers free practice questions for the SAT Latin Test along with a pdf of the answers, too. Sample SAT Latin Subject Test Question This question comes from the College Boards free practice questions. The writers have ranked the questions from 1 to 5 where 1 is the least difficult. The question below is ranked as a 4. Agricola dÄ «xit sÄ“ puellam vÄ «sÃ… «rum esse. (A) that he would see the girl(B) that he had seen the girl(C) that the girl would see him(D) that they will see the girl Choice (A) is correct. The sentence presents an indirect statement introduced by Agricola dÄ «xit (The farmer said). The underlined indirect statement has the reflexive pronoun sÄ“ (referring to Agricola) as its accusative subject, the noun puellam (girl) as its accusative direct object and the future infinitive vÄ «sÃ… «rum esse (to be about to see) as its verb. The use of the masculine future active participle vÄ «sÃ… «rum indicates that sÄ“, not the feminine puellam, is the subject of the infinitive. The underlined portion of the sentence may therefore be translated as â€Å"that he would see the girl.†Choice (B) mistranslates the future infinitive vÄ «sÃ… «rum esse as pluperfect (had seen); choice (C) mistranslates puellam as subject rather than object (the girl would see); and choice (D) mistranslates sÄ“ (referring to the singular Agricola) as plural (they). The entire sentence may be translated as The farmer said that he would see the girl.†Good Luck!
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